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 Presented by JOY Center of Learning

Math to fit your personal style
and unique students.

Life of Fred

... As Serious as It Needs to Be.

Life of Fred Mathematics

Life of Fred: Real Analysis
(For Math Majors)

Life of Fred Real Analysis
Life of Fred:
Real Analysis

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Real Analysis is a topic studied by math majors in college. This math is more advanced than what most non-majors ever see, but it still has Fred, and he has a very good time with his favorite topic. Real Analysis is the study of real numbers, functions using the real numbers, and the properties of the real numbers and their functions. It is heavy on theorems and proofs.

Major Topics included:
Subtopics include:

Calculus is required before studying this topic and Life of Fred: Five Days is highly recommended.

Each of the 113 assignments/puzzles/questions that he gives his students calls for creativity rather than doing drill work. Some of these can be done in a minute. Some will take several hours to complete. They are all meant to be enjoyed. The goal is not to finish the book. It's just like life.

All answers are included in the textbook.

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Life of Fred Real Analysis is a hardcover textbook containing 302 pages. This book is not consumable. All answers are written on separate paper or in a notebook.

Number of Lessons: 113 assignments over 10 Chapters. It is not broken up into daily lessons.