Life of Fred Mathematics

College / University Mathematics
Life of Fred University Level Courses
Life of Fred Logic
Looking for something different after finishing Trigonometry? Do you think Logic is a dry, boring subject? It's not! Not when Fred teaches it. What other math book has a chapter titled "Stinky Logic?" This book doesn't have bothersome "problems" or strenuous "exercises." It has delightful "puzzles," instead. It has serious mathematical Logic, from the basics to advanced topics. The first 6 chapters can be completed as at a high school level or all 16 as a college text.
Life of Fred Calculus Expanded
Finished Trigonometry? Calculus is your logical next step. Not just a high school Advanced Placement course, this Calculus book actually covers two years of College Calculus. Looking to take the CLEP Exams? Life of Fred Calculus will give you the training you need. Taking first or second year college Calculus and not getting it? Let Fred help.
Life of Fred Statistics Expanded
Life of Fred Statistics covers 1st year college statistics. If you have finished trigonometry, (and preferably calculus), try this course on for size. Statistics are used in almost every area of life. Ever hear of 90 out of 100 people... (with a 3 percent margin of error, 18 out of 20 times)? You just heard a statistic. Find out how polling companies come up with the polls that media sources report. Read about one morning in the life of Fred in which he encounters the need for each of the 46 different tests while learning more statistics than is usually taught in 1st year college courses.
Life of Fred Linear Algebra Expanded
Life of Fred Linear Algebra is for someone looking to major in math at college. It is a math course required by most colleges for math majors and is an upper division level course. If you have finished Life of Fred Calculus and want a further challenge, look no further. Taking college level linear algebra and not getting it? Not quite ready to stop learning from Fred? This book is for you.
Life of Fred Five Days
Few students ever get a chance to experience real math: solving puzzles rather than computing answers. Upper division math is much different than lower division calculus. Life of Fred Five Days of Upper Division Math is a sampler of advanced math for students who love math and Fred and want to preview courses they may take later.
Life of Fred Real Analysis
Real Analysis is one of the central building blocks for later mathematics. Because of that, it is a mandatory part of the education of every math major in virtually every university. It is highly recommended that you complete Calculus and Life of Fred Five Days before proceeding into Real Analysis with Fred.
Life of Fred Complex Analysis
Complex Analysis is the theory of functions of a single complex variable. (That is: Functions that map from complex numbers to complex numbers.) This is advanced undergraduate mathematics with applications to even more advanced mathematics, physics, and engineering.
The College/University level books are:
- Life of Fred: Logic
- Life of Fred: Calculus Expanded
- Life of Fred: Statistics Expanded
- Life of Fred: Linear Algebra Expanded
- Life of Fred: Five Days
- Life of Fred: Real Analysis
- Life of Fred: Complex Analysis
Click on the links above for detailed information about each book, including sample lessons.

Life of Fred:
College Set 1
College / University Set 1
Ready for more Life of Fred? These college level books are just waiting for you to tackle them. (Logic not shown in picture.)
This set includes:

Life of Fred:
College Set 2
College / University Set 2
Math Major? Really love math and ready for more Life of Fred? These upper level college books will provide the math puzzles and challenges you are looking for. (Life of Fred Complex Analysis not included in picture)