• Life of Fred Math
• Professor B Math
• Strayer Upton Math
• StudyTime Math
• Mathematical Reasoning
• Manipulatives

Life of Fred Mathematics

Seven Terrific Reasons to Choose Fred
1. Life of Fred Books are Engaging
Few can resist the funny and engaging antics of fictional Fred and his endearing doll, Kingie, as they bring math to life. Children have been found reading "Fred" via flashlight under the covers at night! "I am emailing you my family's comments on the Life of Fred books. I have 4 children who all love Life of Fred.
1. Martha (Age 12) said, "It is really fun and is my favorite math curriculum. It is extremely hilarious and I can't wait to complete the calculus book so I can find out Fred's story."
2. Paul (10) (I have caught him multiple times up late with a flashlight, in his bed doing his math) said, "Life of Fred is so funny and it teaches you about math and so many other things. It is never boring, I REALLY REALLY like it." and "I agree with my sister, I can't wait to get to calculus!!"
3. Luke (6) said "It is so fun, I love math." and "Life of Fred makes me laugh!
4. Timothy (1) loves the Eden books too.
We are grateful for all you do to help our children learn."
"My 8 year old loves Fred! And loves to draw. Fred ends up in her drawings so often I had to send you one. In it, Fred meets a few characters from Foxtrot, a comic strip from the newspaper.
In my daughter's head, Fred has parents, a girlfriend and likes to dress up as historical characters. This is what she draws on her math papers (from another curriculum) before we can move on."
Thank you for inspiring us not only in Math. You are fantastic."
2. Life of Fred Books are Easily Read and Understood
They are self-teaching by any student who can read.No need to have anyone interpret them.
3. Life of Fred Books are Inexpensive
The Life of Fred non-consumable books are hard covered with Smyth sewn binding, with full indexes and tables of contents, along with delightful illustrations throughout. They are not workbooks to be written in. Their low pricing is an extra bonus when you also consider all of your children and grandchildren can benefit from your one-time purchase of any books(s).
The competitors pricing:
• $ 63.00USD - Alpha Omega Grade 9 Algebra Kit
• $108.00USD - Abeka Algebra 1 Kit
• $ 87.00USD - Saxon Math Algebra 1 Homeschool Kit
• $ 90.00USD - Math-U-See Algebra 1
• $176.00USD - Bob Jones Algebra 1 Kit
• $185.00USD - Teaching Textbook
(Prices as listed on the publishers' websites on Sept. 26, 2016 and did not include optional items and solution manuals)
Life of Fred Algebra 1 - only $39.97USD!
4. Life of Fred Books are Comprehensive
Each of these books contains more math concepts and explanations than are normally taught in most math books at a comparable age/grade level The student will receive solid math foundations at all levels, with the upper level volumes providing solid preparation for SAT exams and upper-division mathematics.
For example, Life of Fred: Geometry teaches all the standard topics but with a solid emphasis on proof — which is, of course, the heart of geometry.
In addition, no other book that we know of includes:
A) 46 ruler-and-compass constructions
B) a discussion of higher-dimensional geometry with a chart to 14 dimensions. How to compute how many edges there are in a hypertesseract.
C) modern geometry (invented about a hundred years ago) which fixes the errors in Euclid's geometry.
5. Life of Fred Books Teach Much More than Just Math!
Each book teaches life lessons that will encourage family round-table discussions as your child or children share what they learned from Fred and Kingie about science, history, geography, music, art, moral concepts, and more. Imagine, your child will not learn "just math," but they will learn how to think things out, to clarify their personal and their family values, to see "math" and its application in everyday life.
6. Life of Fred Books Raise a Child Up
Fred does not dumb math down but, instead, raises a child up as he teaches with much humour and common sense to raise the child and their understanding to great heights. Imagine their pride in knowing in first or second grade about Archimedes, or in the ninth elementary series book about the concept of sigma notation.
7. Life of Fred Books Are Flexible for Using
Many a highschool student would benefit from a quick run through of the first ten elementary books to fill in the gaps in their foundational learning. Because the books are written with a high interest and vocabulary level, they are enjoyed even by college students, parents and grandparents! Higher grade students can go back to any earlier book and not feel they have been down-graded.
The Life of Fred is designed to be a stand-alone curriculum but can be used alongside another program as desired. We caution you to not have the student engaged in hours of math every day so choose wisely!